
Best of two worlds

Recently my posts have been focusing quite a lot on food and advertising. This is probably because of the festive season: there is a lot of pressure on both my belt and my wallet. Anyway, here is a TV ad that unites my two current obsessions... And since there is a subtle hint of cultural differences too, I could not let it go.

Funny, this ad reminded me a strategic planner I used to work with, who was always challenging his ideas with an English quote: "Where's the beef". Well this time, I bet he would ask where the car is...

1 comment:

  1. Ah oui cette pub est superbe !!! C'est une agence allemande (dont je ne me souviens plus du nom) qui nous l'a fait - j'adore !

    Et sinon, non pas encore in London... J-10 je pense avant mon départ... Mais je me suis déja mise au QWERTY :o)
