
It's a small world

"It's a small world" DHL.
Advertising Agency:
Ogilvy, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

How many stories could you tell to illustrate that idiom? On my end: dozens! For instance, here is a brief selection of the first ones that come to my mind:
  • bumping (literally) into a French classmate on Broadway in NYC,
  • having one of my former French clients joining a new company and ending up being my wife's boss in London,
  • having a casual chat with a girl at the university and realising that her grandfather had dated my own granny,
  • signing up for a four-day eco-tourist pirogue trip in Madagascar and seeing an alumnus from my business school showing up for the same trip, and of course he was accompanied by a friend who happened to be the cousin of my wife's colleague,
  • realising that a Parisian volleyball team-mate lived in the exact same building in Montreal five years earlier, not to mention that his wife was working two desks away from my own better half without knowing it,
  • etc, etc, etc...

It seems that the further I travel, the more astonishing stories. So what about you? What's your weirdest "small world" anecdote?

PS: I am sure that this is post title is quite evocative for many of you... So I cannot resist to waste your day with this video. Look at it, and bing! You are victim of a cognitive itching for the rest of the day. Enjoy:)


  1. I did enjoy!
    Really nice.

  2. Anonymous10:07 pm

    Such a small world that sometimes it's unbelievable !

  3. Anonymous11:08 am

    Que le monde est petit en effet. Rien que la semaine derniére, j'ai croisé un ancien classmate (excuse, je ne sais plus comment on dit en français) dans un club sur Wiltshire à LA et 3 jours plus tard, je "bumpais into" ma prof de maths de 5ème à Acapulco. De retour à London, je vois une ex-collègue à l'airport dans la salle des bagages et aujourd'hui à Berlin, un copain anime un stand dans une expo hyper célèbre. Dingue, non? ? Mais qui vais-je rencontrer le mois suivant quand je serais à Hong Kong et Santiago?

  4. Thanks Anonymous for dropping by. I am not sure whether you have a frequent traveller card, but you certainly deserve a few free flights with such an hectic life... Translation for the non-French readers, with bolded terms in English in the orginal text:
    "The World is indeed so small. Last week for instance, I met a classmate (sorry hozw do you in French already?) in a nightclub on Wiltshire in LA; three days later I was bumping into my math teacher from the 3rd grade in Acapulco. Back in London I saw a former colleague in the luggage dispenser at the ariport and today a friend is hosting a booth in hype exhibition in Berlin. Carzy, isn't it? I am wondering who I will meet next month when I will be in Hong Kong and Santiago?"
