
Published. I am published.

A year ago (ok, a little bit more I must acknowledge) I added to my resolutions that I would write a novel... That might have been a bit ambitious from someone that comes from the same city as Stendhal, but I kind of made it. Kind of.

16 months later, "La Loi du Milieu" (The Law of the Underworld) has made its way from my head to the printer. So here is a self-promoting post to make the French-speaking readers of this blog aware that the bespoke short story is completed and is available for purchase on
blurb.com. Sorry for the English speakers but you will be missing out until Steven Spielberg decides to adapt it to the Big Screen.

The pitch? Well, I have spend so much time on the introduction wording that there is no need to paraphrase. It is best for you to read it by yourself by clicking on the below-stated "Book Preview" link (note: the preview application is a bit heavy, so you will have to wait a bit, sorry). It will give you a idea of the content, style and photographic illustration to expect, and hopefully interest you enough to click further:

And because I am a model of generosity, I am happy to send a signed copy to the first person who drops me a line... Cheap incentive today, but hey, maybe one day this will worth millions, who knows:).

Une nouvelle de Cedric Chambaz


  1. Félicitations Cédric!!!

    Le book préview ne fonctionne pas donc j'espère que ce n'est pas une blague et que j'ai gagné un exemplaire signé!! :-)

  2. Anonymous9:39 am

    ouais je suis le premier alors??? Fab

  3. Sorry Fabien, but Sarah has been even faster than you... That is the power of RSS feed I assume:). Sarah, send me an email with your mail address and you will receive a copy of it shortly.

  4. Congratulations Cedric - a great achievement - I know this even more because I have just spent a huge amount of time editing and setting a book for my mother (who writes poetry) - I know how much goes into it.

    Of course, I will need to wait for an English translation (my wife is available for a contract for this) before I can read it.

    But still - congratulations man - fantastic.

  5. Anonymous10:30 pm

    Bon alors si je comprends bien, même si on n'est pas le ou la 1ere, on peut avoir un exemplaire?!!! Bravo à toi en tout cas car ce n'était pas une résolution facile à tenir!
    Sarah J.

  6. Hey Sarah J. :)
    You can certainly purchase a copy of this short story on Blurb.com. Three versions are available: soft cover (couverture souple), dust cover (couverture dure avec jaquette) ou hard cover with image wrap (couverture dure imprimee).

  7. salut Cédric,

    la toile mène à tout..même à revoir de vieux scufien.
    Est ce que par hasard le dernier à laisser un commentaire gagne aussi?? Non mais pourquoi toujours récompenser le premier??? franchement!!!!
    Quoi qu'il en soit Bravo pour ce projet et bravo pour ton blog. (je vais mettre un lien sur le mien)
    Bon désolé pour nos amis anglophones mais par respect de la langue de Sheakspeer, je ne ferai aucune traduction de ce commentaire.
    J-Christophe (To..)

  8. J'ai eu l'honneur de recevoir un exemplaire signé et je ne peux que vous encourager à l'acheter...
    J'ai passé un très bon moment, merci Cédric et encore bravo!

  9. Felicitations! Que le succes continue...

  10. Hey all, Blurb is running a 20% off promotion. Simply enter the following code when placing an order:

    GPB £ promo code: BLURBTREAT2
    EUR € promo code: BLURBTREAT3

    This offer seems to end on November 24th.
