About me

My name is Cedric Chambaz and there is one thing I abhor that is people boasting... But hey, I guess that if you clicked on that link you are keen to know more about myself. So here you go.
Passionate about brand building and multicultural environments, I started my career in the automotive industry at Renault in Germany in 1998. Ten years later I joined another multinational corporation, Microsoft, after spending 7 years in advertising agencies in Singapore, Paris and London.
This international exposure has allowed me to constantly learn about others, about myself too. I tried to capture this through the articles I write in this blog, or through the lens of my camera.
Finally, I hold a Master from ICN Graduate Business School and specialised in Consumer Behaviour and Managing Innovation at McGill University, Canada. I am married, live currently in London and enjoy every opportunity to further discover the world.
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 My resume
 My Photofolio