As a regular reader of this blog you are now probably familiar with this friend of mine, Flavien, who has a little bike in his head, a helpful hand, and a friendly face. For those who don't have the time to read the previous posts, Flavien is, in a nutshell, a university friend who decided to resign from his work as a sales rep to cycle around the Mediterranean sea, first from Paris to Jerusalem in 2006-07, and this year from Jerusalem to Paris via the Maghreb.
But to the above mentioned description, I should add that Flavien has a soul mate. Anne is one of his close friend with whom he enjoys travelling around the globe, discovering local cultures, meeting new people... The two fellows were in fact planning to head towards South-East Asia when a sad event stopped them. Anne was diagnosed with a lymphoma... and was forced to remain in Paris to get the relevant treatment for the next six months.
A new roadmap.
Obviously it was some sort of a chock for these two not-even-thirty-year old fellows. But as soon as the news was "digested", they started to look for the next stages, a new challenge. And as a matter of fact, they rapidly came up with the concept of a website, drôle2voyages (which is a play on word and could translate into "two amazing a journey"), where the two friends will dialogue, in spite of the geographical distance, about their own journey. Anne's will be an introspective trip in her path to recovery, whilst Flavien will report his encounters in Israel, Egypt, Cyprus, Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco, Spain and France.
Agrandir le plan The site has been live for a few months now, and is updated every day with some articles or photos from the two explorers. I therefore encourage any French-speaking reader of these lines to have read at their notes and to bookmark/RSS them (an English version is in the pipes, but not live yet). Not only do they require our support, but it is very interesting to read these insightful slices of life, and extremely enriching a reading. Both are very literate and knowledgeable. Their consequent visions of our world through their personal and special prism are an ode to more optimism, more solidarity, more passion...
The Union Jack as a checker flag?
Anne, good luck in your fight against the crab... The first news seem to be positive, and I am very happy for you. Keep the faith, your smile and desire to go forward. Flavien, you are a source of inspiration and a model on many levels. So keep it on too, and if you really want to close the loop you certainly remember that London was the first city on your initial roadmap even if it was not on the Mediterranean shores... So we are waiting for you. What about a visit with Anne?