Over a year ago I wrote about the talented Danny MacAskill, an acrobatic cyclist who excels at turning a urban landscape into a playground. I have seen on French blog London Calling that his flatmate, Dave Sowerby, has directed and published a new video about his performance: Way Back Home. This road trip brings us in the stunning landscapes of Scotland back country and demonstrates that "urban landscape" is a very loose concept. From Edinburgh Castle to North Berwick, Inchgarvie and even Isle of Skye, no rock remains unturned.
To read further:
- Downhill or down ill, an article about the possibilities to ski in the London Tube!
- Now this is a downturn, a new way to consider defenestration for failing tycoons from the City
- Thinking out of the box, and the beach, or how beach sports can also find a new expression in Urban environments.